Mercy & Justice
We invite you to explore a variety of resources. We have categorized them by activity, and they represent a variety of approaches to living a Christian life. This menu is not designed as a “to-do” list, but rather as an offering for individuals to sample and find the activities that bring them closer to God in this particular practice.
Justice and mercy often go hand in hand in Scripture. When we experience mercy, we can receive or offer compassion and love regardless of merit. Biblical justice encourages us to go a step further and live selflessly to restore justice or fairness to those who are unrightfully hurt or wronged. Together, mercy and justice help us establish ourselves and our neighbors in right relationship with God.
“Thus says the Lord of hosts: Render true judgements, show kindness and mercy to one another; do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts against one another.”
Bible Project: Biblical Justice
"Justice" is a felt need in our world today and a controversial topic. But what is justice, exactly, and who gets to define it? In this video, we'll explore the biblical theme of Justice and discover how it's deeply rooted in the story-line of the Bible that leads to Jesus. (6 minutes)
Fuller Studio Story Table: Seeking Justice
The Story Table brings pressing topics to life at everyone’s favorite conversation place: the shared table. This Story Table focused on issues of justice, and we were honored to host among our storytellers our president, students, and friends of Fuller to share personal experiences around justice. (23 minutes)
The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II: Sermon
From his Sunday Sermon at Washington National Cathedral on June 14, 2020.
"But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”
Amos 5:24
(43 minutes)
“If you are like me, you are probably very aware of the need for mercy. As wonderful as life is, it can be difficult to navigate sometimes. No matter who we are, where we’re from, or what we’ve done in our lives, we are all hungry for the mercy of God. Bring this need and hunger to God and be fed. God desires mercy and God has an abundance of it. And as we have received, so may we give.
From the Pew to the Public Square (The Episcopal Church)
Taking up Presiding Bishop Curry’s charge for Episcopal faith communities to live out our public witness and sacred values, From the Pew to the Public Square is a short resource booklet that provides quick coaching in moral agency, discernment, and decision making for social and community social change.
Paying the Price of Mercy (Sermons that Work)
The transcript of this sermon offers a modern retelling of the parable of the Good Samaritan. It challenges us to think about how we are prepared to act as a true neighbor to the people we encounter in our lives.
Justice Bible Study (Bible Project)
How did God see those forgotten by society? How did Jesus care for the widows, the orphans, and the foreigners? In this 30-minute Bible Study, we focus on the theme of justice in the story of the Bible. In Genesis 1 all humans are appointed to be the image of God and rule the world together on God’s behalf. But history has proven that we all find it very difficult to treat each other with sacred dignity, especially in moments of economic crisis. What would it look like to recapture God’s passion for justice in our own day?
Issues of social justice can be polarizing. And they can be paralyzing — with so much injustice in the world, where does one begin? “Don’t be frozen,” Richard Foster advises. “Start somewhere. Look for a situation you can help with and step in.” That begins in small ways, right where you are. From the Renovaré podcast with Nathan Foster and Richard Foster (35 minutes)
In this episode of the Way of Love podcast, Bishop Curry talks with legendary leader Ruby Sales about her long and enduring work for civil rights and freedom in the United States. The two discuss how she was introduced to these movements, her search for a calling, and the potential of The Episcopal Church to lead in honest racial justice and reconciliation. (44 minutes)
How to embrace what’s right and corrective, redemptive and restorative — and an insistence that each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve done — these are gifts Bryan Stevenson offers with his life. From the On Being podcast with Krista Tippett (51 minutes)
Collect for Social Justice
Book of Common Prayer
Almighty God, who created us in your own image: Grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil and to make no peace with oppression; and, that we may reverently use our freedom, help us to employ it in the maintenance of justice in our communities and among nations, to the glory of your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Prayers that Destroy the Spirit of Racism: A Prayer Guide for Racial Healing, Justice, and Reconciliation
American Bible Society
The Great Litany Novena for the End of Injustice
Earth & Altar
“With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
St. Peter’s Social Justice Ministries
One of the most effective ways to experience mercy and justice is to minister to our neighbors right here in our community. St. Peter’s is blessed to offer several social justice ministries. Our Thrift Store and Community Suppers serve those in need in Freehold Boro. We also partner with Freehold Area Open Door, Blessing Bag Brigade (soup kitchen), and the Emergency Housing & Advocacy Program (EHAP) to provide services to those experience food and housing insecurity. Pray and discern how you are being called to these ministries!
I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…
Conversation Cards from Sanctified Art
Some of the best conversations start with good questions—questions we’ve been meaning to ask, questions that keep us curious, and questions that lead us deeper into courage and connection. These conversation cards are designed to help you tell your story, share your pain, care for one another, and dream about a new way forward. ($7 for download)
Compassion Camp: Be Kind. Be Loved. Be You.
Family Edition Activities from Illustrated Ministry
Compassion Camp is where kids and families explore what it means to have compassion for others, ourselves, and the world. While it is geared toward both preschool-aged children and K-5th graders, it is extremely flexible, adaptable, and fun for the entire family, older siblings included. ($25 for download)