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Phase Two of our Reopening Begins
June 13

Removing a mask feels strange after a year’s practice. Yet, those who are fully vaccinated are now able to do so in various settings. Everyone is at a different comfort level, and not everyone has been able to be vaccinated. Teens will not be considered fully vaccinated until early July and children are not yet able to be vaccinated. We are in a transition period, which permits the easing of many guidelines while still acting cautiously to preserve the safety and enjoyment of all. 

New Diocesan guidelines took effect on May 28 that effectively eliminated masking and distancing requirements in most situations for those who are fully vaccinated, while providing safety for those not yet vaccinated. Our diocesan Reopening Task Force used the latest medical guidance in making their decisions. Each parish has been asked to implement the guidelines at a pace appropriate to their context. 

Susan Jane Story, Candy Cooper, Mark Willis (our Wardens and Re-Opening Co-Chair) met with me on Tuesday night to develop a transition plan that will take effect June 13. We took note of the sustained dramatic decline in COVID cases in New Jersey, Monmouth County, and the Freehold area.  We are currently at 3 cases per 100,000 people at both the county and state level, one of the eight lowest levels in the country, and the second lowest for a highly populous state. (New York TimesCOVID ActNow)

The singular reason we are able to ease our guidelines is the success of the vaccination program in New Jersey. If you have not been vaccinated and are eligible to do so, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.  It is not just for your safety, but the safety of those more vulnerable than us, and for the continued ability of all of us to return to the things we treasure most, particularly as God’s community - the ability to gather and rejoice in one another’s presence.

With this in mind, we are implementing the following plan for this transitional stage. Guidelines in bold exceed diocesan requirements.

Worship (Effective June 13)

  • Eventbrite registration will no longer be required

  • All center pews will be opened.

  • The side pews will remain as a “social-distanced” option.

  • Masks are still required for all worshippers in the congregation over the age of two until July 1.

  • Social distancing (6 feet for adults) is required for those who are not fully vaccinated.

  • Those leading worship (cler-gy, readers, musicians) who are fully vaccinated may be unmasked and do not have to observe distancing provided they present proof of vaccination to the Rector. This is in accordance with diocesan guidelines and will be kept confidential.

  • Those leading worship may choose to remain masked.

  • Communion procedures will continue as they are.

  • Live-streaming will continue as a vital part of our online ministry.


Worship (Effective July 1)

All guidelines above continue except,

  • Masks will become optional for those sitting in the congregation who are fully vaccinated.

  • Masks and social distancing will still be required for those not fully vaccinated.

  • Those in the congregation do not have to present proof of vaccination.

  • The side pews will remain as a “socially-distanced” option.

  • All worshippers, whether in the congregation or leading worship, may choose to wear a mask.


Late August

All guidelines for July 1 continue except,

  • We will bring back the 8:00 service when we have enough openers, ushers, and altar guild to cover a monthly rota.

  • Then-current masking and distancing guidelines (if any) will be in effect.


Non-Worship Church Activities

  • In-person meetings can resume on an as-desired basis. Participants may be unmasked if they are fully vaccinated. Those not yet fully vaccinated must be masked and observe six feet distancing. All may wear masks.

  • Groups should consider online meetings where vaccination status can create a “two-tier” group or members are not yet comfortable meeting in person.

  • Fellowship can resume. Food items must be individually laid out or pre-packaged or served by one individual practicing standard food-safety protocols. Opportunity must be given for those who are not vaccinated to be masked when not easting and maintain social distancing.

  • Given the exclusive use of the Parish Hall for feeding ministries and the opening of Crossroads at the end of summer, outdoor fellowship is preferred. Smaller groups may be able to make use of existing facilities.


Public-Facing Community Ministries

  • The Thrift Shop staff and volunteers will continue to wear masks during open hours for the time being.

  • The Community Supper volunteers will continue to wear masks and provide meals to go.

  • The lunch program volunteers (an outside organization) are encouraged to wear masks, will follow state guidelines, and will continue to prepare meals-to-go.

  • Our tenants, such as Open Door, EHAP (Emergency Housing), and the Clubhouse (Twelve Step groups) will follow state and professional guidelines since they are exclusive tenants in their space.


Parish Ministries in the Fall

  • We anticipate a normal schedule of worship and program activities starting the Sunday after Labor Day.

  • The Bishop is visiting for Confirmation on September 26. We look forward to a dynamic celebration!

  • We will follow all then-current guidelines.

St. Peter’s has been singled out by the Diocese for our commitment to offering worship and ministry to the maximum extent possible under our guidelines. We have demonstrated how much one can do safely and have not had a single exposure related to worship. 

We are committed to using this transition period to continue our commitment to maximum participation and demonstrated safety. We are also committed to following the science and the numbers and are using this transition period to help us become comfortable with our new opportunities.

I personally want to thank the hard work of our Reopening Committee who laid such a safe foundation for us last June when we prepared to re-open. I also want to thank everyone who has stepped up for extra volunteer slots in worship, such as Ushers and Altar Guild, to keep us moving forward and to make sure we could offer worship in the beauty of holiness. I particularly thank our music ministries who have had to adapt and learn the most of new technology, rehearsal structures, and other ways to “sing unto the Lord.” The angels have heard our songs of praise, and we are now able to offer them again as a community. Thanks be to God!

God’s grace and peace be with you always. If you have any questions about the new protocols, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Father Dirk