“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
Through prayer, we build a relationship with God. Some prayers are more formal, and soothe in their remembered ritual and poetry. Other prayers are straight from the heart, almost wordless expressions to a God who understands our love, fear, joy, anger, sadness, and confusion. As Christians, we are called to participate in this communication and to "rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
The clergy of St. Peter's are available for any pastoral care needs, including communion visits and conversation about pastoral issues. They expect to be called to the side of our parishioners during times of crises, sudden illness, or death at any time. Please call the office at 732-431-8383 or send Father Dirk a confidential email.
Parish Prayer List
The parish keeps a prayer list that is prayed for in weekend services and printed in the bulletin for parishioners to pray for individually. Members of the parish and community in need of prayer are invited to submit names for the prayer list via the form in the bulletin, conversation with clergy, or by emailing the church office. Names remain on the prayer list for four weeks unless resubmitted.
Daughters of the King
Another option for intercessory prayer at St. Peter's is the Daughters of the King, whose ministry of prayer supports the St. Peter's community. This prayer list remains confidential and separate from the parish prayer list, and is prayed for daily. Please contact the church office or fill out a card at the back of the bulletin or in the church narthex to drop in the Daughters' box on the entry table.
“Prayer is responding to God, by thought and by deeds, with or without words.”
Diocesan Prayer Cycle
As part of the Diocese of New Jersey, our prayers each week include the Diocesan Prayer Cycle. This schedule contains intercessions for each cleric, church, and for various ministries within the Diocese. This is offered to our congregations and clergy with the hope that it may be used to enrich the faith and worship of the people of the Diocese of New Jersey.
Anglican Prayer Cycle
Similarly, the worldwide Anglican Communion has a two-year prayer cycle that includes intercessions for each diocese and bishop throughout the Communion. This is a wonderful way to experience the global breadth of the Church, and to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.