“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.”
Sunday | 8:00 AM
This is a simple service in the Church with communion and no music, lasting about 50 minutes total.
Sunday | 10:00 AM
This is a service in the main Church with communion, hymns, and music by choir, band, and/or bells. This service is also streamed on our YouTube channel.
Compline | 8:00 PM
This brief evening service is offered on Facebook Live each Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Worship at St. Peter's is offered to the glory of God several times each weekend, and on special days during the liturgical year. We offer a variety of services in several styles, although all our services are shaped by the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
When we worship, we gather with others before God. We hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love.
“When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. ”
Communion at St. Peter's
Whether you receive Communion or prefer not to, all people of any age, faith, or tradition are welcome at the Altar during Communion. Whatever choice you make will be respected and you will not stand out regardless of choice.
All baptized Christians of any age from any denomination or tradition are welcome to receive communion during worship. Communion is offered in the form of consecrated bread broken into individual wafers and consecrated wine taken from a shared chalice distributed by communion ministers. Worshippers may receive in one or both kinds as they prefer, and by sipping from the chalice or dipping the wafer into the chalice as they prefer.
Those who prefer to not receive communion because they are not baptized, or their own tradition requests that they refrain, are welcome to come to the Altar during Communion for a blessing. Simply fold your arms across your chest to indicate your desire for a blessing.
Special & Seasonal Services
From the dramatic liturgies of Palm Sunday and Holy Week to the joyful services at Easter and Christmas, we offer a wide variety of special liturgies throughout the year. In addition to the Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter liturgies there are special services for St. Francis Day in early October, All Souls in early November, Pentecost in the late spring, and other times of the year as announced. We also hold Sunday evensongs and weeknight healing services several times a year. Special flower memorials and thanksgivings are also part of our seasonal services.
The Church Year and Liturgical Colors
The Christian Year follows a pattern each year that reflects Christ’s life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Colors, echoed in nature’s seasons, are used in church vestments and liturgical to symbolize these events in the cycle of the seasons.