“Do you reaffirm your renunciation of evil?
Do you renew your commitment to Jesus Christ?”
Our recent celebration of Confirmation with the Rt. Rev. Dr. Sally French, 13th Bishop of New Jersey on Sunday, November 19, 2023.
Our 2021 Confirmands with Bishop Stokes on September 26, 2021.
Our catechism describes Confirmation as "the rite in which we express mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying gone of hands of by a bishop." (1979 Book of Common Prayer, p. 860) This is a time when a Christian is prepared to say "I am now ready to take responsibility myself for the promises my parents and godparents made for me in my baptism."
Confirmation preparation for youth occurs during a two year cycle of intentional preparation, with year one focusing on Scripture, and year two focusing the Episcopal/Anglican tradition and faith practices. Students are usually in 6th, 7th, and/or 8th grades for these years. Older teens who have not been confirmed may choose to participate in this formation process, or in an adult preparation program. Adults seeking Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church will complete a separate process designed for them.
Our confirmation program includes classroom lessons, family discussions, mentoring, and service requirements. We believe that faith is about more than classroom knowledge, but also relationships and experience, so our program values each of these elements. In addition to one-on-one mentoring, we also encourage a Shepherds program, recruiting a group of adults to walk with the class as a whole during this journey, in prayer and in presence.
A new class began in the fall of 2023. If you are interested in Confirmation preparation, please contact our rector, the Rev. Dirk C. Reinken.
Confirmation is Part of Our Christian Journey
At St. Peter's, we emphasize that Confirmation is not an ending, but rather the beginning of each student's mature Christian journey. We talk about the shared family and faith traditions that have brought us to this point, and we equip students for the faith roads ahead, by study of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer, through family projects designed to promote faith at home, and through a mentoring program that allows each student to forge a one-on-one relationship with a faithful adult. We have embraced the Diocese of New Jersey's vision to Know Your Story, and Live It Boldly, and we encourage each Confirmation family to think about how they can answer this call.
Because Confirmation is a more formal process, we have several criteria as part of our Confirmation Covenant that must be met before Confirmation can occur. Each student must:
Attend worship services and Confirmation class regularly, participating in class discussions and activities
Devote at least 20 hours per year (40 hours over two years; more is encouraged) doing ministry work at St. Peter's Church and in the world, including:
6 hours per year (12 hours over two years) of worship-related ministries such as serving in choir, as usher, acolyte, lector, greeter, or oblationer.
6 hours per year (12 hours over two years) of work in other St. Peter's ministries such as Outreach suppers, Thrift Shop, Funday School, etc.
8 hours per year (16 hours over two years) of work in other community service areas
Participate in four separate faith formation activities. These include attending a worship service other than your family's accustomed time, such as Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Easter Vigil, a Lenten service, a healing service, or an Episcopal service of marriage or burial. Another spiritual formation activity might include a Diocesan event.
In the first year of confirmation, attend worship at one other Episcopal church, and in the second year of confirmation, attend service at one other non-Episcopal Christian church. Click here for the worksheet.
In the second year of confirmation, meet regularly with your mentor, completing the workbook in a timely manner.
Complete all home activities, any journal or posting requirements, and document ministry hours.
Confirmation for 2023-2024
With each confirmation cohort, we adapt to meet the needs of the particular group. Beginning in September 2023, we will gather as a group once a month for class time, supported by at-home discussions as we walk together on our Christian journey. This group will likely be confirmed in fall of 2025.
This year, we commit to:
meeting once a month, following the 10:00 am Sunday worship service. We will be looking at the Bible, and becoming more familiar with the foundation of Scripture in our lives of faith;
worshipping regularly, either in person or virtually;
building a community of faith, by participating in regular conversations both at home and in church ministries; and
serving God and serving others, through volunteer hours at church and in the community.
We understand both the challenges and opportunities this unique season provides. Please contact us for more information!