Film Screening - Philadelphia Eleven
12:15 PM12:15

Film Screening - Philadelphia Eleven

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Philadelphia Eleven: A Viewing Event
Sunday, February 23 / 12:00 pm / Crossroads Hall

We invite you to join us for a screening of the The Philadelphia Eleven, a documentary which tells the dramatic and faith-filled story of the eleven women who were the first to be ordained in the Episcopal Church fifty years ago in 1974.

We will offer a light lunch and be joined by parishioners from St. David's Episcopal Church in Cranbury. A freewill offering will be accepted to offset the $250 fee for showing the film.

Let us know if you can bring an item for lunch by visiting our Sign-Up Genius.

About the film:
"In an act akin to civil disobedience, a group of women and their supporters organize their ordination to become Episcopal priests in 1974. The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia welcomes them, but change is no small task. The women are harassed, threatened and banned from stepping on church property.

In this feature-length documentary film, we meet the women who challenge the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom and succeed in building a movement that transforms an age-old institution."

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Annual Parish Meeting
9:30 AM09:30

Annual Parish Meeting

St. Peter's Annual Meeting
Sunday, February 2 / worship starts at 9:30 am

Our annual meeting is scheduled for the first Sunday in February. This is an important event in our parish life, and we invite all to attend.  This email presents important information for each of the three areas of our Annual Meeting

All are welcome to attend this celebration of our life as a congregation here in Freehold!

Meeting Format & Fellowship Brunch

  • We will gather in worship (for one combined service) at 9:30 am.

  • We will startthe meeting agenda at the conclusion of the service, beginning with voting for People's Warden, a new Vestry class, and delegates to Diocesan and Convocation conventions. All members age 16 and older are eligible to vote.

  • We will move to Crossroads Hall for a Pasta Bowl fellowship potluck.

  • After 30 minutes for fellowship and food, we will hear the Rector's Address, Treasurer's Report, and Wardens addresses. 

  • We look forward to your delicious potluck recipes. As our youth have shared, nobody does fellowship quite like St. Peter's!

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The Longest Night - Blue Christmas
7:30 PM19:30

The Longest Night - Blue Christmas

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Christmas is all around. The pressure to sing, be joyful, and smile can be overwhelming. We may be grieving, struggling, and feeling challenges that nobody wants to hear about or knows how to help with. The Longest Night is a service where we can be honest before God that we our hearts are heavy. We can hear the Christmas message in a way that does not require a happy response. We can find a space where we can just be with God as we are. We can give thanks for hope without pretending everything is all fixed.

The Prophet Isaiah wrote that the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. it is for us, in our griefs, worries, and struggles that Christ was born. We invite you to come to hear words of consolation and hope and share in the healing touch of Christ.

Communion is a part of the service. In the Episcopal Church, all baptized Christians of any church or denomination are welcome to receive. Those who are not comfortable receiving communion for any reason are welcome to come for a blessing. Anointing and prayers for healing will also be offered for those who desire them.

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Angels in Advent: Messengers of Hope
7:00 PM19:00

Angels in Advent: Messengers of Hope

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Advent Bible Study for 2024 will explore the origins, presence, and ministry of angels as we prepare to celebrate the birth of the One for whom the angels sang.

Join us on Wednesdays, December 4, 11 & 18 in the All Saints Conference Room. A hybrid option on Zoom will be offered for those who cannot join us in person.

December 4 - Angels: Origins, Fall, and Purpose

December 11 - Gabriel the Messenger

December 18 - Angels today? Earth and Heaven become one

Click here to register for the Zoom link. Each session is independent, so if you miss one session, please join us for the others!

For more details and resources, visit

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Angels in Advent: Messengers of Hope
7:00 PM19:00

Angels in Advent: Messengers of Hope

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Advent Bible Study for 2024 will explore the origins, presence, and ministry of angels as we prepare to celebrate the birth of the One for whom the angels sang.

Join us on Wednesdays, December 4, 11 & 18 in the All Saints Conference Room. A hybrid option on Zoom will be offered for those who cannot join us in person.

December 4 - Angels: Origins, Fall, and Purpose

December 11 - Gabriel the Messenger

December 18 - Angels today? Earth and Heaven become one

Click here to register for the Zoom link. Each session is independent, so if you miss one session, please join us for the others!

For more details and resources, visit

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Angels in Advent: Messengers of Hope
7:00 PM19:00

Angels in Advent: Messengers of Hope

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Advent Bible Study for 2024 will explore the origins, presence, and ministry of angels as we prepare to celebrate the birth of the One for whom the angels sang.

Join us on Wednesdays, December 4, 11 & 18 in the All Saints Conference Room. A hybrid option on Zoom will be offered for those who cannot join us in person.

December 4 - Angels: Origins, Fall, and Purpose

December 11 - Gabriel the Messenger

December 18 - Angels today? Earth and Heaven become one

Click here to register for the Zoom link. Each session is independent, so if you miss one session, please join us for the others!

For more details and resources, visit

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All Souls Memorial Eucharist
7:30 PM19:30

All Souls Memorial Eucharist

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Oh, what their joy and their glory must be,
those endless Sabbaths the blessed ones see!
Crowns for the valiant, to weary ones rest;
God shall be all, and in all, ever blest.

Hymn 623

All Souls Day is the time of year we remember all who have died, especially in the past year. We light candles in their memory, offer prayers for the continued life with Christ, and celebrate the Eucharist in thanksgiving for their time with us and their place at God's table in heaven.

This year, we remember especially those buried from St. Peter's Church: Joe De Furia, Sheila Itinger, Patricia Nixon, Robin LeMoine, Bob Robinson, Glen Kersting, Lou Tovey, Anne Tovey

We also pray for our own family and friends we love but see no longer in the prayers of the people. 

Remembering is a sacred practice of our faith. We invite you to join us for this meditative service with gentle music remembering those we love but see no longer. 

Any names emailed to Father Dirk by 12 Noon, November 6 will be included in the service.

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord;
and let let perpetual shine upon them.

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Stewardship Ingathering & Potluck Brunch
9:30 AM09:30

Stewardship Ingathering & Potluck Brunch

Our Stewardship Season concludes on All Saints Sunday with a combined worship service at 9:30 am followed by a potluck brunch in Crossroads Hall. We invite all parishioners to offer their pledge cards for 2025 during the 9:30 service and to celebrate with us in the brunch following. Visit our Sign-Up Genius link to indicate what dish you will bring or to volunteer with set-up or clean-up. You can find our stewardship materials and an online pledge form on our stewardship page here.

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Guest Preacher - Valaida Wynn Guerrero
8:00 AM08:00

Guest Preacher - Valaida Wynn Guerrero

We are excited to welcome Ms. Valaida Wynn Guerrero as Stewardship preach at both the 8 am and 10 am services on Sunday, October 27. Valaida is a member of St. Andrew’s, New Providence and a lay leader in the diocese. In her professional life, she is Chief Advancement Officer of the National Advancement Academy (NAF), whose mission is to sustain a national network of career academies to support the development of America's youth toward personal and professional success.

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Silent Film Spooktacular
7:00 PM19:00

Silent Film Spooktacular

Join us for a screening of the silent film classic "Nosferatu," with live accompaniment by Brit Montoro on the St. Peter's Church organ. Director F. W. Murnau's 1922 silent film masterpiece set the tone for all vampire films to come. This is the story before it became a cliché. Join us as our music director adds their own soundtrack on the church organ with homages to classic and contemporary music. Tickets are $8 at the door. Refreshments for sale by the St. Peter's Youth Group.

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Annual St. Peter's Crossroads Service Awards Banquet
6:30 PM18:30

Annual St. Peter's Crossroads Service Awards Banquet

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The St. Peter’s Crossroads Service Awards are presented each year to three individuals or organizations whose public service embodies that values that went into building Crossroads: Welcoming, Healing, and Celebration.

We invite you to join us for our inaugural awards banquet on Saturday, October 5, 2024 as we celebrate our first recipients: Mera and Lester Archambeau, the St. Peter’s Lunch Program, and Nolan J. Higgins.

Visit our Awards Page to learn more!

Click here to purchase tickets, become a sponsor, or reserve space in our ad journal.

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Homecoming Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks
10:00 AM10:00

Homecoming Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our fall regathering Sunday! Bring backpacks, briefcases, laptops, or whatever the tools of your trade to receive a blessing and this year's edition of the backpack tags at the 10:00 am service. This Sunday kicks off the "Program Year" at St. Peter's, with music and formation ministries resuming. See you soon!

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Bobby Jo Valentine: A Night of Song
7:00 PM19:00

Bobby Jo Valentine: A Night of Song

St. Peter's is hosting folk/pop singer Bobby Jo Valentine for a summer concert on Saturday, August 17 in the church. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for 17 and under. They may be purchased in advance by visiting our event page, or at the door.  

A festive dessert party follows the concert in Crossroads Hall. Crossorads is where all of our community services are hosted. Each week, we prepare over 600 meals for the hungry, host numerous twelve step groups, offer health screenings, and service as a place of welcome healing and celebration for the whole community.

All proceeds will support the matching grant for reducing our Crossroads construction loan before it converts to a higher interest rate, so if you buy one ticket, 200% of your purchase will be applied to our outstanding balance.

To learn more, see videos, and purchase tickets visit here.

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Borough-Wide Yard Sale - St. Peter's Location
9:00 AM09:00

Borough-Wide Yard Sale - St. Peter's Location

Everyone has that stuff in their garage/basement/shed that they need to get rid of, but haven't--this is your chance to get ride of it all while supporting St. Peter's at the same time! We are joining Freehold's Boro-Wide Yard Sale, and we have the perfect location: right in the center of town with a lot of both foot and automotive traffic. 

The Yard Sale is Saturday, May 11 (rain date May 12) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Want a Space for the Yardsale at St. Peters - the Crossroads of Freehold?
We are renting spaces (with or without tables) for folks to set up shop and sell their goods. The income from this will go toward our campaign to pay down the principal of the Crossroads mortgage. Spaces without tables are $20 for the day, and spaces with a table are $25. Individuals are responsible for setting up and dismantling spaces, as well as disposing of all trash and leftover items. Space rentals are availble to both parishioners and the public.

Download and Submit Form.

Completed forms can be emailed as a scanned pdf or photo to Candy Cooper, St. Peter’s Yard Sale Coordinator.

Bakers Needed!
We are going to set up a Bake Sale table at the Yard Sale with all profits to benefit the Crossroads Principal campaign. Donated baked items are needed to fill our table and entice our shoppers to buy.

Sign-Up Genius

Volunteers Needed!
We need volunteers to come early on Saturday to set up the tables, folks to staff the Bake Sale table, point-people to be around during the day to help when needed, and volunteers to pack up and put away the tables at the end of the day.

Sign-Up Genius

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Stations of the Cross
7:30 PM19:30

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross is our evening liturgy for Good Friday. Walking the Way of the Cross allows us to stand with Jesus from his arrest to his burial. The devotions tell the story through passages of Scripture and prayer responses that help us connect our lives with the love of Christ poured out for us. The devotion is interactive with prayers and responses and lasts about 45 minutes.

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From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent
7:00 PM19:00

From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent

Our Holy Week liturgies come from the pilgrimages of Egeria, a 4th-century nun, to Jerusalem. Father Dirk will use photos and objects from his pilgrimage to these same sacred sites to give context to the services that mark the last days of Jesus’ ministry to his death and resurrection.

Each week will allow us to explore the question, “How does what happened in Jerusalem meet with our lives today?”  The dates and topics are:

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Stations of the Cross
7:30 PM19:30

Stations of the Cross

Walking the Stations of the Cross allows us to stand with Jesus from his arrest to his burial. The devotions tell the story through passages of Scripture and prayer responses that help us connect our lives with the love of Christ poured out for us. The devotion is interactive with prayers and responses and lasts about 45 minutes.

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From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesday in Lent
7:00 PM19:00

From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesday in Lent

Our Holy Week liturgies come from the pilgrimages of Egeria, a 4th-century nun, to Jerusalem. Father Dirk will use photos and objects from his pilgrimage to these same sacred sites to give context to the services that mark the last days of Jesus’ ministry to his death and resurrection.

Each week will allow us to explore the question, “How does what happened in Jerusalem meet with our lives today?”  The dates and topics are:

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Taizé Prayer Service for Lent
7:30 PM19:30

Taizé Prayer Service for Lent

Taizé Prayer is evening prayer for all Christian faiths. It is a simple, meditative form of worship, coming from the ecumenical prayer community in Taizé, France. The music and prayers call us to dwell deeply on Christ's presence around and within us. Mantra songs (like "Jesus, Remember Me"), prayerful silence, and short readings guide the focus of the prayer in a candle-lit environment.  Icons will also be set up as prayer stations for those who wish to move around during the silence or spend time in prayer after the service.  You can see a video of a sample Taizé service.

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From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent
7:00 PM19:00

From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent

Our Holy Week liturgies come from the pilgrimages of Egeria, a 4th-century nun, to Jerusalem. Father Dirk will use photos and objects from his pilgrimage to these same sacred sites to give context to the services that mark the last days of Jesus’ ministry to his death and resurrection.

Each week will allow us to explore the question, “How does what happened in Jerusalem meet with our lives today?”  The dates and topics are:

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Stations of the Cross
7:30 PM19:30

Stations of the Cross

Walking the Stations of the Cross allows us to stand with Jesus from his arrest to his burial. The devotions tell the story through passages of Scripture and prayer responses that help us connect our lives with the love of Christ poured out for us. The devotion is interactive with prayers and responses and lasts about 45 minutes.

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From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent
7:00 PM19:00

From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Holy Week liturgies come from the pilgrimages of Egeria, a 4th-century nun, to Jerusalem. Father Dirk will use photos and objects from his pilgrimage to these same sacred sites to give context to the services that mark the last days of Jesus’ ministry to his death and resurrection.

Each week will allow us to explore the question, “How does what happened in Jerusalem meet with our lives today?”  The dates and topics are:

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From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent
7:00 PM19:00

From Jerusalem to Freehold: Tuesdays in Lent

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Holy Week liturgies come from the pilgrimages of Egeria, a 4th-century nun, to Jerusalem. Father Dirk will use photos and objects from his pilgrimage to these same sacred sites to give context to the services that mark the last days of Jesus’ ministry to his death and resurrection.

Each week will allow us to explore the question, “How does what happened in Jerusalem meet with our lives today?”  The dates and topics are:

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Ash Wednesday Evening Service
7:30 PM19:30

Ash Wednesday Evening Service

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Just as Jesus began his ministry in the dust of the wilderness, our Lenten journey begins with Ash Wednesday and the reminder that we are dust, “and to dust shall we return.” Rather than a statement of judgment, this is a statement of hope, for life begins in the dust. Out of the dust of the earth, we are formed and filled with the breath of life from God our creator. Ash Wednesday is a time for us to make a new beginning, to join closer with Jesus, and to take the journey that make us whole once again.

Join us at 7:30 pm for oAsh Wednesday service with imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Music provided by St. Peter’s Choir.

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Ash Wednesday Noonday Service
12:00 PM12:00

Ash Wednesday Noonday Service

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Just as Jesus began his ministry in the dust of the wilderness, our Lenten journey begins with Ash Wednesday and the reminder that we are dust, “and to dust shall we return.” Rather than a statement of judgment, this is a statement of hope, for life begins in the dust. Out of the dust of the earth, we are formed and filled with the breath of life from God our creator. Ash Wednesday is a time for us to make a new beginning, to join closer with Jesus, and to take the journey that make us whole once again.

Join us at Noon for our mid-day Ash Wednesday service with imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Mindful of lunch hours, this service will last about 45 minutes.

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Christmas Eve Family Service & Pageant
4:00 PM16:00

Christmas Eve Family Service & Pageant

Christmas starts at St. Peter’s with our annual pageant and Family Eucharist at 4 pm on December 24th. Each year, our children tell the story of Christ’s birth in drama and song. The service concludes with Communion, which all are welcome to receive. As a family-focused service, the music and length are family friendly.

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Blue Christmas
7:30 PM19:30

Blue Christmas

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Blue Christmas is a contemplative service that allows us to hear the story of hope and new life given in the birth of Jesus without the expectations of forced joy. This service gives us the opportunity to acknowledge our own griefs and struggles as well as of those we love, while receiving the good news that God is at work to make all things new.

Join us for scripture, hymns, and communion. All are welcome to participate as fully as they desire, or to just sits and let the prayers of the community around us carry us.

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Advent Series Session Four
7:00 PM19:00

Advent Series Session Four

  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church - Chapel Entrance (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Advent is a time of preparation to greet the One we call the Prince of Peace. Our Advent series explores this peace, which passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7), ways we can experience that peace more fully in our lives, and ways we can be servants of God’s peace for others. We’ll meet Tuesday evenings in the Chapel (entrance on the left side of St. Peter’s Church). If you cannot join us in person, a Zoom option is available.

December 19: Bringing Peace

The Christian life is not just about our own relationship with God. It is also about how we join God’s healing work in the world. In the words of St. Francis, how do we become servants of peace?

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