Discipleship at St. Peter’s
We are called as Christians to follow the teaching and example of Jesus Christ. This path of discipleship is one we are called to daily, in our relationships, work, study, and thinking. How do we live as disciples? How do we follow, and intentionally return to, the lifelong habits of followers of Jesus?
At St. Peter’s, we have identified seven themes that can guide our discipleship, in our families, in our church, and in our communities. Each is distinct, but each weaves through and creates a rich fabric of faith. We invite you to explore these in our community of faith here in Freehold.
Living our Baptismal Vows
In our Episcopal faith, our baptismal vows provide a comprehensive framework for our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Created in God’s Image
From the very beginning, God has brought loving creation out of chaos. We are created in God’s image, and we are called to live in loving relationship with the whole of God’s creation.
Connecting to Worship
When we worship God, we praise and celebrate God simply for who God is. In worship we ‘unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments.’ While this happens regularly throughout the week at St. Peter’s, this worship can take different forms.
Coming to the Table
When we come to the altar in Holy Eucharist, we join in a vibrant community of the faithful in remembering the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This feeds us spiritually, strengthening us for ministry and receiving the invitation of Jesus Christ to forgiveness and love.
Exploring the Bible
The Bible, or Holy Scripture, is the inspired Word of God. It shows us how God has interacted with God’s people through the ages, and how God’s people have responded to God. Through stories, history, wisdom, prophecy, and the accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry, we can immerse ourselves in the call to discipleship.
Digital Discipleship
In the 21st century, we are disciples in and among the people in our physical communities, but also those in virtual communities. How do we engage in love and faithfulness within this digital environment?
Finding our Vocation
As disciples, we are each called to ministry in different ways. We are each given gifts by God in order to bring about God’s mission in the communities in which we are planted. How do we discern this call, and how do we put this to use to bring reconciliation in God’s creation?