RenewalWorks, a ministry of Forward Movement, is coming to St. Peter's this fall!

What, you ask, is RenewalWorks?

It's a process by which our parish will consider our spiritual growth, individually and collectively. We will look at what we're doing that helps that growth, and where we have growth opportunity.

What, you ask, is spiritual growth? One way to describe it is in terms of relationship. In the spirit of Jesus' great commandment, in which he called his followers to love of God and neighbor, it's about how we can grow and go deeper in that love, in those relationships.

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How Does RenewalWorks work?

It begins with an online, confidential, anonymous inventory (or survey) taken by as many parishioners as possible. This inventory, which takes about a half hour, asks about the individual's spiritual journey, and how the church, personal spiritual practices, and service figures into that journey. We will put all those answers together and come up with a snapshot of our congregation, and some useful data for deciding what's next. So you can see why we need as many people to participate as possible! The inventory will be offered beginning on September 16, 2018, and the link (which will be communicated to members of the congregation separately) will be open for three weeks.

After that, a group of parishioners will meet for four workshops, to ask four questions:

  • Where have we been? The first workshop explores the individual's spiritual history, as well as the story of the congregation (early October).
  • Where are we now? The second workshop uses the data from the inventory to assess where the congregation is at the present time (late October).
  • Where are we called to go? The third workshop considers a faithful response with an eye on the future (early November).
  • How will we get there? The fourth workshop charts specific steps, which will be presented to the leadership and all the parish (late November). 
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Why Bother?

The Episcopal Church faces challenges for sure. But there's plenty of opportunity to renewal. We believe that it will come with renewed focus on spiritual growth (again, growth in love of God and neighbor). RenewalWorks is an exciting, engaging process which uses ten years of research from all kinds of churches to help Episcopalians grow in faith, and to discover what it means to be a disciple of Christ in the Church these days.

Your participation in this process will be a gift to our church, whether you are one of our most active members, or are only here from time to time. the more people we have participating, the better. So get ready to take the inventory and please keep this process in your prayers, as we seek to be faithful to God's call to our congregation.

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Our Renewal Works Team

Team Facilitators: Mayra Caceres and Mark Willis

Administrator: Anne Delgado

Clergy Support: Father Dirk Reinken and Deacon Catherine Esposito

Team Members: Mehmet Balasaygun, Linda Brusotti, Candy Cooper, Hannah Cuffari, Ed DeFuria, Stephanie Mancino, Laura McAulay, Deb Turi-Smith, Kathy Whall, and Angela Wyrick.

For more information about our participation in this process, please speak with Father Dirk, Mark Willis, or Mayra Caceres. Or, click here if you want to know more about RenewalWorks. RenewalWorks is a ministry of Forward Movement, which has called the Episcopal Church to deeper discipleship for 75 years.