Bobby Jo Valentine:
A Night of Song and Stories
August 17 at 7 pm

“Catchy songs with good tunes and intelligent,
thoughtful lyrics in the tradition of Bob Dylan and Cat Stevens”

Stephen Schwartz, Creator of Wicked and Godspell

St. Peter's is hosting folk/pop singer Bobby Jo Valentine for a summer concert on Saturday, August 17 in the church. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for 17 and under. They may be purchased in advance at the link above or at the door.  

A festive dessert party follows the concert in Crossroads Hall. Crossorads is where all of our community services are hosted. Each week, we prepare over 600 meals for the hungry, host numerous twelve step groups, offer health screenings, and service as a place of welcome healing and celebration for the whole community.

All proceeds will support the matching grant for reducing our Crossroads construction loan before it converts to a higher interest rate, so if you buy one ticket, 200% of your purchase will be applied to our outstanding balance.  

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About Bobby Jo

Songwriter & Poet
Listener, Storyteller, Seeker, and Student

Bobby Jo Valentine is an explorative, hopeful, spiritual, queer artist who strives to makes music and poetry that is good medicine for everyone. Bobby Jo has won multiple awards for his songwriting, given a Tedx Talk, and is a believer in the soft and steady power of tiny everyday acts of love to heal our world.

His new book "Your True Name" is a collection of 112 stories, poems, and lyrics around coming home to yourself, and his new album "The Thing About A Heart" explores human behavior and belonging in our confusing modern world. When he's not touring the country extensively, he lives in Portland, Oregon with his husband Tim and his puppy Tater Tot.

Listen to Bobby Jo Valentine on Spotify


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